It's frustrating, again you thought that you had clearly explained what needed to be done, by when and by what method.
So what went wrong? It didn't get done as you wanted, it was late, it was the wrong location, the wrong time... Again your head drops into your hands and you rock your head from side to side, "It must be me? Why does this always happen, why don't people follow my instructions, what am I doing wrong.....?"
Communication is a Process, and one that follows the same heritage that Claude Shannon a senior engineer from Bell Technologies first produced in 1949. The simple premises is that communication goes like this:
- The Source - What is the message/content you want to communicate
- Encode - How are you going to communicate the message
- Noise - What filters will distort the message
- Decode - How is the message interpreted by the receiver
- Receiver - What is the final message that is received
The skill in becoming an effective communicator is by understanding the Theory of Communication, understanding the Rules and then putting into Practice what you have learnt.
In my next blog I will look into the "5 Filters of Distortion" this is the noise that we need to communicate through so that our message receives the minimal amount of distortion and has the best chance of being clearly understood.
words of Wisdom Mr Cronin, keeps those coming